About Us
Macedonia Baptist Church, Founded in 1913, is one of the oldest Baptist Church in the state of New York. Since it’s founding it has promoted the motto, “Where everybody is Somebody and Christ is All!” Macedonia is focused on the development of it’s members through the teaching of the word of God. We believe in impacting the Mount Vernon community through faith, service and scholarship. For over 100 years we have continued bringing the light of God to the Mount Vernon Community.
Macedonia Baptist Church, Founded in 1913, is one of the oldest Baptist Church in the state of New York. Since it’s founding it has promoted the motto, “Where everybody is Somebody and Christ is All!” Macedonia is focused on the development of it’s members through the teaching of the word of God. We believe in impacting the Mount Vernon community through faith, service and scholarship. For over 100 years we have continued bringing the light of God to the Mount Vernon Community.
Macedonia Baptist Church is a Body of Believers in Jesus Christ. Through a faith rooted in Christian values, we proclaim the Gospel, bring souls to Christ, and prepare for discipleship in our community and the world through missions, teaching biblical principles, evangelizing and baptizing.
To be a Church that is a beacon in the community where souls are saved and directed by scripture to grow spiritually through prayer, faith and Christian knowledge.
Macedonia Baptist Church is a Body of Believers in Jesus Christ. Through a faith rooted in Christian values, we proclaim the Gospel, bring souls to Christ, and prepare for discipleship in our community and the world through missions, teaching biblical principles, evangelizing and baptizing.
To be a Church that is a beacon in the community where souls are saved and directed by scripture to grow spiritually through prayer, faith and Christian knowledge.
Macedonia Baptist Church 110 years Strong!

A Historical Perspective Macedonia Baptist Church
“We’ve come this far by Faith”
Originally Authored by Henry G. Wiggs, Chairman Emeritus -Trustees Ministry
Edited by Rev. Dr. Darren M. Morton, 7 th Senior Pastor
Edited by Rev. Dr. Darren M. Morton, 7 th Senior Pastor
Since our origin in 1913, the space is filled with faith, hope, love, truth, trust, meetings and some discussions too! In the early 20th century, a group of 10 persons held a meeting at 111 West Third Street to discuss the organizing of a church. It was a cold night on the 16th of February 1913. The group consisted of the organizing Pastor, the Rev. J. D. Morris, Deacon John Rollins, Sisters Maggie Bell, Eleanor Chavis, Laura Fuller, Rebecca Collins and Addie Samuel.
On April 1914, Macedonia moved to 158 South Eighth Avenue. In 1916, Macedonia moved to 201 South Ninth Avenue. Rev. Lynwood Bush was the second pastor and Rev. Mark Lynch was the third pastor. Under Rev. Lynch’s leadership, a dwelling house at 141 South Ninth Avenue was purchased and renovated for worship services. In April 1918, Rev. Rinico Nelson became the fourth pastor. Under Dr. Nelson’s leadership, Macedonia started making plans to build a new church. A ground-breaking ceremony was held on March 7, 1922, where Macedonia Baptist worshiped, served, advocated and changed lives for over a century.
In 1929, The Great Depression attacked our nation. Unemployment soared and Macedonia was threatened with foreclosure. Rev. Nelson sent out an S.O.S. call to the citizens of Mount Vernon and all of Westchester. He was trying to raise $15,000.00 to meet the mortgage and contractors’ payments. Macedonia endured until two mortgage holders were paid off and a mortgage burning ceremony was held on January 16, 1946. The senior choir rendered the music under the direction of Mr. Lucius Scott. The special selection was “Let Mount Zion Rejoice”. The occasion rated a front-page spread in the Daily Argus with a photograph of Deacon John Rollins and Sis. Rebecca Hunt applying the burning candles to the mortgage papers held by Rev. Nelson and me. The first parsonage for the Pastor and the family was purchased in July 1946. Stained glass windows were installed in September 1950. Rev. Rinico Nelson served Macedonia as pastor for 40 years. On Labor Day, September 2, 1958, Dr. Rinico Nelson expired in Mount Vernon Hospital.
On September 29, 1958, Rev. Richard H. Dixon, Jr., of Trinity Baptist Church, Pontiac, Michigan was called to become the fifth pastor of Macedonia. Rev. Dixon received the most votes on each of the 2 ballots – his opponent was Theodore E. Jones from Richmond, Virginia. Under Rev. Dixon’s leaders, Macedonia Baptist Church continued to serve as an epicenter for social justice and civil rights in the decades to follow. As a result of the non-violent civil rights moment, Rev. Dixon went on the chair the Westchester Christian Leadership Conference, a newly established local affiliate of the national movement, where he would coordinate and Macedonia would be host several successful events that increased visibility and raised public awareness of the plight of African Americans and their fight for social justice, nationally and locally.
Macedonia is the founding location of the United Black Clergy of Westchester, organized by Rev. Dixon, in response to the governmental refusal to issue a liquor license to a Black man. Since its founding, the United Black Clergy has served as a social justice coalition of faith leader to address civic concerns. Notable black clergy and civil right leader, such as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ralph Abernathy has preached in the pulpit at Macedonia. Rev Dixon was one of several ministers who accompanied the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to Oslo, Sweden and witnessed Dr. King's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Under Rev. Dixon’s leadership, we purchased several properties nearby. In 1959, our present parsonage at 355 South Fulton Avenue was purchased. On March 13, 1979, the First Methodist Memorial Building, today better known as Macedonia Community Center was purchased for $17,500.00.
Rev. Dixon sought the best he can find for Macedonia. On the occasion of our 49th Anniversary, January 26, 1975, he had an African Ambassador to the United Nations, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Congresswoman Shirley Chisolm, July 11, 1971; Macedonia sponsored Marian Anderson, February 25, 1960; Mahalia Jackson, November 10, 1960; Ghana’s Ambassador to the United Nations, January 26,1962; Alhaji MaHammud Ngilurema, Mother Clara Hale and Dr. Wyatt T. Walker (July 11, 1971); Adam Clayton Powell Sr.; Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; and Dr. W.T. Vivian the Biblical Theologian; Rev. C. N. Edwers, January 22, 1995; Rev. Al Sharpton, June 18, 1995. On Sunday, January 3, 1988, an unveiling ceremony with E. Daniel Davis, architect of the “New Macedonia Building” was held. March 7, 1992, a ground-breaking ceremony was held on the Macedonia property. Construction began immediately. Pastor Dixon has rendered wonderful leadership during our building drive. If we follow his lead, with the help of God, we will reach out goal.
During the celebration of our 83rd Church Anniversary, we again presented the dynamic Rev. Collie Nathan Edwers of Little Friendship Baptist Church. One of the grand occasions of this Church was the grand opening of the New Macedonia, Sunday, June 4, 1995. At 10 a.m., the Pastor and membership were assembled on the sidewalk facing the two buildings, the old and the new. Pastor Dixon, standing at the new door, offered prayer and recited a ribbon-cutting ritual; and the procession began. The Pastor and congregation continued through the new doors and down the aisles. Then, by right and left flank, each person filed between the pews. It was a beautiful sight.
Immediately, the Mass Choir highlighted the processional by singing “We’ve Come This Far By Faith”, gracefully filing into the 100-seat choir loft. With everyone standing, Rev. Michael Press, Minister in Charge, ordered the first Call to Worship in the New Macedonia. Yes, we’ve come this far by faith. Faith helped fill the space between 1913 and 2003. Praise God for His goodness through the years. We thank the members and friends for their support. Also, the phase groups and their captains. We praise the Ministers and the auxiliaries for joining in the procession of cooperation during the dark days caused by a faulty contractor.
On December 31, 1999, Rev. Richard H. Dixon, having served as pastor for over forty years, retired. Being the faithful servant, he was, the Church voted to entitle him Pastor Emeritus. Macedonia then moved into pastor search mode and was without a pastor for over two years. In January 2002, God sent us the Rev. Jimmie Hardaway, Jr. from Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, San Francisco, California to serve as the sixth pastor. Rev. Hardaway came for the west, back to the east as a preacher with a vision and in a short time began leading the congregation from Membership to Discipleship. Oh yes, “We’ve come this far by Faith!”
Pastor Hardaway established a Youth Church, reorganized New Membership Training Class, and began a weekly noon "Lunch with Jesus" Bible Study to accommodate senior citizens and others. He also helped to start an "Overcomers" Ministry for substance abusers and people struggling with strongholds. Pastor Hardaway also implemented the 7:30 AM "Come as you are" Service, Macedonia's first Radio Broadcast on WVOX AM, and the purchase of Macedonia Towers and King's Court apartment buildings in Mt. Vernon, New York.
For more than six decades, Macedonia served as the convening location for several civic and community events, including hosting the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, Betty Shabazz, Ossie and Ruby Davis, and the accomplished Tina Satin. In the height of gang violence in mid-2000’s, there was much talk about a growing unrest, which had become evident at a recent town meeting, within the community at large. Several incidents of crime among youth had recently occurred, culminating in the murders of two Mount Vernon youths. After these events, residents were in an uproar. For the first time in recent history, an estimated 1,000 residents from all over the city convened, at the Macedonia Church, to voice their concerns about the increase in violence among the city‘s youth.
On August 10, 2009, Rev. Jimmie Hardaway, Jr., being led by the Holy Spirit and having faith in the Lord, moved on to continue ministry after serving as Pastor at Macedonia for seven years. The Joint Board, along with the membership of the church, made the decision not to look for a new pastor at that time. Immediately, the Board of Deacons convened a meeting and the congregation voted to select one of our own Associate Ministers to fill the void. Rev. Darren M. Morton was selected to fill that capacity as Interim Pastor, as he had served under the leadership of both Rev. R.H. Dixon Jr. and Rev. Jimmie Hardaway Jr., for many years. He was a member of the Mount Vernon Community, well-educated and knew how to work with the congregation. He accepted the position in order to help the church move forward, until a decision would be made to install a new pastor.
After serving as Interim Pastor from almost two years, the church membership elected Rev. Darren M. Morton as the seventh pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church on February 28, 2011. Rev. Morton was then installed on May 21, 2011. Being a hometown boy, his installation was a celebration for the Mount Vernon community at large, and a homecoming for many. Rev. Morton began working on revisiting the church bylaws, developing mission and vision statements, eliminating the mortgage balloon payment and refinancing to make repairs and improvements to the church edifice. He reminded the church that Macedonia has been, and must continue to be, a Community Church.
During his tenure as pastor, Rev. Morton refinanced the mortgage, completed major repairs, renovated the Helen I. Williams Fellowship Hall, re-established the Macedonia Community Center Board, established the Macedonia After-School Program, Praise Dance Ministry, Children’s Ministry, established the Macedonia Community Empowerment Corporation (a Community Development Corporation), Young Adult Ministry, Junior Deacons Ministry and the Exodus Mentoring Program for young men ages 8-18 was created.
Additionally, under Rev. Morton’s leadership, the church appointed our first set of female Deacons in March 2011. The new deacons include: Sis. Patricia Brown; Sis, Veronica Harding, Sis, Barbara Howell. and Sis. Sonya McClendon. October 2012 also heralded the church’s first Deaconess Consecration Service and Investiture of Rev. Joyce Somerville as the first female Assistant Pastor, and in July 2013, two new ministers were licensed: Min. Harriet Mathias-Clary and Min. Jason Clayton.
Macedonia continues to be “The Church Where Everybody is Somebody and Christ is All”. We are a community church whose doors are open every day to the people of the community, and we strive to maintain our long heritage of liberation theology and social justice through the lens of Christianity. With faith, hope, and trust in the Lord, a new vision can be fulfilled. For with the belief that is professed by each Christian and with the praising of God almighty, truly the Church is Marching on to Victory! Our dreams and hopes shall not perish, for when this earthly tabernacle is dissolved; we have another building not made by hand. Yes, with God on our side, along with faith, patience, prayer and love, we continue to move forward in the Lord, as Macedonia still enjoys congregational Splendor because
On April 1914, Macedonia moved to 158 South Eighth Avenue. In 1916, Macedonia moved to 201 South Ninth Avenue. Rev. Lynwood Bush was the second pastor and Rev. Mark Lynch was the third pastor. Under Rev. Lynch’s leadership, a dwelling house at 141 South Ninth Avenue was purchased and renovated for worship services. In April 1918, Rev. Rinico Nelson became the fourth pastor. Under Dr. Nelson’s leadership, Macedonia started making plans to build a new church. A ground-breaking ceremony was held on March 7, 1922, where Macedonia Baptist worshiped, served, advocated and changed lives for over a century.
In 1929, The Great Depression attacked our nation. Unemployment soared and Macedonia was threatened with foreclosure. Rev. Nelson sent out an S.O.S. call to the citizens of Mount Vernon and all of Westchester. He was trying to raise $15,000.00 to meet the mortgage and contractors’ payments. Macedonia endured until two mortgage holders were paid off and a mortgage burning ceremony was held on January 16, 1946. The senior choir rendered the music under the direction of Mr. Lucius Scott. The special selection was “Let Mount Zion Rejoice”. The occasion rated a front-page spread in the Daily Argus with a photograph of Deacon John Rollins and Sis. Rebecca Hunt applying the burning candles to the mortgage papers held by Rev. Nelson and me. The first parsonage for the Pastor and the family was purchased in July 1946. Stained glass windows were installed in September 1950. Rev. Rinico Nelson served Macedonia as pastor for 40 years. On Labor Day, September 2, 1958, Dr. Rinico Nelson expired in Mount Vernon Hospital.
On September 29, 1958, Rev. Richard H. Dixon, Jr., of Trinity Baptist Church, Pontiac, Michigan was called to become the fifth pastor of Macedonia. Rev. Dixon received the most votes on each of the 2 ballots – his opponent was Theodore E. Jones from Richmond, Virginia. Under Rev. Dixon’s leaders, Macedonia Baptist Church continued to serve as an epicenter for social justice and civil rights in the decades to follow. As a result of the non-violent civil rights moment, Rev. Dixon went on the chair the Westchester Christian Leadership Conference, a newly established local affiliate of the national movement, where he would coordinate and Macedonia would be host several successful events that increased visibility and raised public awareness of the plight of African Americans and their fight for social justice, nationally and locally.
Macedonia is the founding location of the United Black Clergy of Westchester, organized by Rev. Dixon, in response to the governmental refusal to issue a liquor license to a Black man. Since its founding, the United Black Clergy has served as a social justice coalition of faith leader to address civic concerns. Notable black clergy and civil right leader, such as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ralph Abernathy has preached in the pulpit at Macedonia. Rev Dixon was one of several ministers who accompanied the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to Oslo, Sweden and witnessed Dr. King's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Under Rev. Dixon’s leadership, we purchased several properties nearby. In 1959, our present parsonage at 355 South Fulton Avenue was purchased. On March 13, 1979, the First Methodist Memorial Building, today better known as Macedonia Community Center was purchased for $17,500.00.
Rev. Dixon sought the best he can find for Macedonia. On the occasion of our 49th Anniversary, January 26, 1975, he had an African Ambassador to the United Nations, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Congresswoman Shirley Chisolm, July 11, 1971; Macedonia sponsored Marian Anderson, February 25, 1960; Mahalia Jackson, November 10, 1960; Ghana’s Ambassador to the United Nations, January 26,1962; Alhaji MaHammud Ngilurema, Mother Clara Hale and Dr. Wyatt T. Walker (July 11, 1971); Adam Clayton Powell Sr.; Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; and Dr. W.T. Vivian the Biblical Theologian; Rev. C. N. Edwers, January 22, 1995; Rev. Al Sharpton, June 18, 1995. On Sunday, January 3, 1988, an unveiling ceremony with E. Daniel Davis, architect of the “New Macedonia Building” was held. March 7, 1992, a ground-breaking ceremony was held on the Macedonia property. Construction began immediately. Pastor Dixon has rendered wonderful leadership during our building drive. If we follow his lead, with the help of God, we will reach out goal.
During the celebration of our 83rd Church Anniversary, we again presented the dynamic Rev. Collie Nathan Edwers of Little Friendship Baptist Church. One of the grand occasions of this Church was the grand opening of the New Macedonia, Sunday, June 4, 1995. At 10 a.m., the Pastor and membership were assembled on the sidewalk facing the two buildings, the old and the new. Pastor Dixon, standing at the new door, offered prayer and recited a ribbon-cutting ritual; and the procession began. The Pastor and congregation continued through the new doors and down the aisles. Then, by right and left flank, each person filed between the pews. It was a beautiful sight.
Immediately, the Mass Choir highlighted the processional by singing “We’ve Come This Far By Faith”, gracefully filing into the 100-seat choir loft. With everyone standing, Rev. Michael Press, Minister in Charge, ordered the first Call to Worship in the New Macedonia. Yes, we’ve come this far by faith. Faith helped fill the space between 1913 and 2003. Praise God for His goodness through the years. We thank the members and friends for their support. Also, the phase groups and their captains. We praise the Ministers and the auxiliaries for joining in the procession of cooperation during the dark days caused by a faulty contractor.
On December 31, 1999, Rev. Richard H. Dixon, having served as pastor for over forty years, retired. Being the faithful servant, he was, the Church voted to entitle him Pastor Emeritus. Macedonia then moved into pastor search mode and was without a pastor for over two years. In January 2002, God sent us the Rev. Jimmie Hardaway, Jr. from Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, San Francisco, California to serve as the sixth pastor. Rev. Hardaway came for the west, back to the east as a preacher with a vision and in a short time began leading the congregation from Membership to Discipleship. Oh yes, “We’ve come this far by Faith!”
Pastor Hardaway established a Youth Church, reorganized New Membership Training Class, and began a weekly noon "Lunch with Jesus" Bible Study to accommodate senior citizens and others. He also helped to start an "Overcomers" Ministry for substance abusers and people struggling with strongholds. Pastor Hardaway also implemented the 7:30 AM "Come as you are" Service, Macedonia's first Radio Broadcast on WVOX AM, and the purchase of Macedonia Towers and King's Court apartment buildings in Mt. Vernon, New York.
For more than six decades, Macedonia served as the convening location for several civic and community events, including hosting the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, Betty Shabazz, Ossie and Ruby Davis, and the accomplished Tina Satin. In the height of gang violence in mid-2000’s, there was much talk about a growing unrest, which had become evident at a recent town meeting, within the community at large. Several incidents of crime among youth had recently occurred, culminating in the murders of two Mount Vernon youths. After these events, residents were in an uproar. For the first time in recent history, an estimated 1,000 residents from all over the city convened, at the Macedonia Church, to voice their concerns about the increase in violence among the city‘s youth.
On August 10, 2009, Rev. Jimmie Hardaway, Jr., being led by the Holy Spirit and having faith in the Lord, moved on to continue ministry after serving as Pastor at Macedonia for seven years. The Joint Board, along with the membership of the church, made the decision not to look for a new pastor at that time. Immediately, the Board of Deacons convened a meeting and the congregation voted to select one of our own Associate Ministers to fill the void. Rev. Darren M. Morton was selected to fill that capacity as Interim Pastor, as he had served under the leadership of both Rev. R.H. Dixon Jr. and Rev. Jimmie Hardaway Jr., for many years. He was a member of the Mount Vernon Community, well-educated and knew how to work with the congregation. He accepted the position in order to help the church move forward, until a decision would be made to install a new pastor.
After serving as Interim Pastor from almost two years, the church membership elected Rev. Darren M. Morton as the seventh pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church on February 28, 2011. Rev. Morton was then installed on May 21, 2011. Being a hometown boy, his installation was a celebration for the Mount Vernon community at large, and a homecoming for many. Rev. Morton began working on revisiting the church bylaws, developing mission and vision statements, eliminating the mortgage balloon payment and refinancing to make repairs and improvements to the church edifice. He reminded the church that Macedonia has been, and must continue to be, a Community Church.
During his tenure as pastor, Rev. Morton refinanced the mortgage, completed major repairs, renovated the Helen I. Williams Fellowship Hall, re-established the Macedonia Community Center Board, established the Macedonia After-School Program, Praise Dance Ministry, Children’s Ministry, established the Macedonia Community Empowerment Corporation (a Community Development Corporation), Young Adult Ministry, Junior Deacons Ministry and the Exodus Mentoring Program for young men ages 8-18 was created.
Additionally, under Rev. Morton’s leadership, the church appointed our first set of female Deacons in March 2011. The new deacons include: Sis. Patricia Brown; Sis, Veronica Harding, Sis, Barbara Howell. and Sis. Sonya McClendon. October 2012 also heralded the church’s first Deaconess Consecration Service and Investiture of Rev. Joyce Somerville as the first female Assistant Pastor, and in July 2013, two new ministers were licensed: Min. Harriet Mathias-Clary and Min. Jason Clayton.
Macedonia continues to be “The Church Where Everybody is Somebody and Christ is All”. We are a community church whose doors are open every day to the people of the community, and we strive to maintain our long heritage of liberation theology and social justice through the lens of Christianity. With faith, hope, and trust in the Lord, a new vision can be fulfilled. For with the belief that is professed by each Christian and with the praising of God almighty, truly the Church is Marching on to Victory! Our dreams and hopes shall not perish, for when this earthly tabernacle is dissolved; we have another building not made by hand. Yes, with God on our side, along with faith, patience, prayer and love, we continue to move forward in the Lord, as Macedonia still enjoys congregational Splendor because
"We've come this far by Faith!".

Macedonia Community Center
Collin Allen Day Care Center
Girl Scout Brownies
Macedonia Community Empowerment Corp.
Collin Allen Day Care Center
Girl Scout Brownies
Macedonia Community Empowerment Corp.